Nr. 16, Ziqiang 1st Rd., Zhongli Dist, Taoyuan City 32063, Taiwan


Informații privind selecția produsului

Do you need help identifying or getting more information about a product? Contact our customer care team and speak with an expert.

Inginerie și suport tehnic

Do you need assistance with the technical aspects of our products? We can help you with engineering, product design, and other technical details.

Informații despre distribuitori

ZIPP has distributors worldwide. For assistance, use our Distributor Locator or contact our Customer Care Center.

Literatură, inclusiv cataloage

Need an updated catalog or advice? Search our products or contact us.

Anchete generale

If you need information not listed above, please message us, and our customer care team will gladly assist you.

Adresa firmei: No.16, Ziqiang 1st Rd., Zhongli Dist. Orașul Taoyuan 32063, Taiwan

TEL: + 886-3-4513314

FAX: + 886-3-4514139

E-mail: [e-mail protejat]

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